Categories: Joyce Meyer Message

We Don’t Deserve Anything That God Gives Us, But He’s Gracious, Kind, Loving, and He Forgives Us!

We don’t deserve anything that God gives us. But He’s gracious, kind, loving, and He forgives us! No matter how many mistakes you’ve made in the past, you don’t have to keep making them. The more we choose the right thing, the more we get out of the messes we’re in.

A confident person feels safe. He believes he or she is loved, valuable, cared for, and protected by God’s will for him. When we feel safe and secure, it’s easy to step out and try new things.

When people feel safe, they are free to take a chance on failing in order to try to succeed. As children of God, we are safe and secure, knowing God loves us and has a good plan for our lives. Therefore, we can live with thanksgiving and confidence as we step out boldly each and every day.

Do you know what God does with the sins and mistakes of your past? He forgets them! Hebrews 8:12 says that God remembers your sins no more. His forgiveness is a free gift, and it is available all the time. I urge you to stop remembering what God has forgotten— release it.

Refuse to spend your days focused on your mistakes. Don’t sit around thinking and talking about past failures. Release them and receive God’s forgiveness.

With God’s help, there is always a way. This is a beautiful truth to be grateful for. It may not be easy; it may not be convenient; it may not come quickly. You may have to go over, under, around, or through difficulty—but if you will simply keep on keeping on, you will find a way. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” He is the Way, and He will help you find a way even where there doesn’t seem to be one.

God sends forth His Word and we can be healed— spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and relationally. When God’s Word gets rooted in our hearts, our minds are renewed; we are healed in many ways, and we are delivered from various ‘pits’ or difficulties we encounter in life.”

You need to know that you’re loved! If you believe that God loves you then you can begin to love yourself and then you can begin to love other people. And you can have healthy, good relationships and you can enjoy your life.

Loving God is so important! We need to stop focusing on all the things that we think God expects out of us and focus more on just being in love with Him.


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