Unveiling the Unearthed Enigma: Archaeologists Astonished by Legendary Ancient Dragon Skull Found on Beach

In a UK marketing stunt of epic proportions, a bus-sized dragon skull washed up on Dorset’s “Jurassic Coast” — known for its dinosaur fossils — to honor the arrival of “Game of Thrones” season 3 on streaming service Blinkbox.

The 40 foot long, 9 foot tall skull, which took two months to build, is the coolest GOT advertisement since HBO ran a two-page ad in the New York Times in February in which a dragon’s shadow obscured the text.

This was in conjunction with a GOT exhibition in New York in which people actually got to sit on the show’s iconic iron throne.

Taylor Herring PR is responsible for the Blinkbox campaign, which aimed to make it appear as if the skull had washed ashore. To commemorate the debut of UKTV’s new “Drama” channel, it erected a 12-foot monument of Mr. Darcy from “Pride and Prejudice” emerging from the Serpentine in London last month.


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