Categories: Amazing Nature

Unique Evidence Demonstrates That Leaves Can Create Works Of Art

There is no right or wrong way of doing art. Anybody can produce anything they choose using any shape, medium, material, or canvas they choose. Thus, choosing these items is a unique form of art. The protagonist of today’s tale looked to nature for creative inspiration.

A Japanese artist with the Instagram handle “Lito Leaf art” uses a particularly particular technique and aesthetic to create his works of art. “Unbe-leaf-able” is the word one finds when trying to describe them. These cutouts which are (obviously) made from leaves are pure quality art.

Inside the leaves, there lives a whole other world full of wondrous cute animals, homespun idyllic motifs, and occasional references to popular culture, among other things.

It goes without saying that making them requires a ton of rigorous, in-depth effort. The artist admits that it helps him manage his ADHD quite well.

The artist confesses that it’s a great way for him to deal with his ADHD. It helps him in reducing distraction by letting him focus on one thing. He likes this practice so much that he tries to do it everyday.

“Before I started leaf-cutting, I used to do paper-cutting, but I couldn’t get much attention. I was shocked to see the work of a Spanish leaf-cutting artist, and I started this art as well,” the artist told.

Make no mistake: Lito has nearly 27k followers on Instagram already because of the popularity of his tiny, adorable, and modest creations. The Japanese artist has produced hundreds of little reproductions of his cutouts throughout the years, and he has no intention of stopping any time soon.

I love this- I just noticed the person reading under the tree.

I love the color in this!

Love these. I wonder if there’s a way to preserve them.

So many stories told on a leaf! I don’t know any people in conservation but I sure would contact this amazing artist, and the forest and wildlife conservationist communities and get something done through story telling to educate children and adults alike.


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