Categories: Powerful Message

Trust God So Much That You Don’t Have To Know Everything, Real Trust Is Knowing God Knows And Trusting He Will Take Care Of You

It can be easy to blame God when we face hard things in life. God knows that we may never understand why things are happening, but He does ask us to trust HIm. Are you trusting Him?

Do you need help today? Our God is a friend to the weak and a refuge for those in need. You are in good hands! God has a compassionate heart toward those who call out to Him for help—He is the God who is with us—who is willing and able to help!

No matter what your circumstances, God can bring you peace. You can take all the stress and worry of your life, and hand it over to Him. He is trustworthy to carry the heavy burden for you. You may be thinking, “well, peace is great, but what about practical needs?” God can help with those as well! He is our provider, and He will care for you by providing for your needs because you are His child.

Pray today, and ask God for peace. Ask Him to help you trust in His care.

Ask God to make a way for each thing to be taken care of. Watch to see where He will lead you, and what doors will be opened for you. He will make a way for you!

It’s what He does, because He is a loving, generous Father! He is the God of the weak and needy, and He cares for you!

Sometimes it can be easy to think that God is just watching and waiting for us to mess up. But, today’s devotional reminds us that God helps us when we fall and He will uphold us!

God knows who you are, He knows your strengths and your weaknesses. And when you see only impossibities in your life, trust God, He has a plan for your life. And whatever happens, we know that for those who love God all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). All things! will work together for good, even if we don’t see it!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Live in the now with peace and let God take care of your tomorrow. Every negative thought or attitude may now be put aside and your trust surrendered to God who holds your tomorrow!

The future as you imagine it has not yet occurred, so be present to God in the right now and thank him for being with you!

Jesus is what you need in every situation, moment by moment and day by day. God will not disappoint you. He will not fail you.

Somebody needs to hear this today: He loves to love you. Regardless of how you may have been treated, His love says you’re worth dying for.

No matter the fears you face, He wants to take care of you. When all else fails, He never does. This is the hope and fulfillment we get to have in our Savior.


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