Categories: Powerful Message

This Message Is For You: Hang On Because God Is With You, You Will Come Out Stronger

You are loved more than you will ever know. Jesus has a wonderful and great plan for your life. I feel like this needs to be shared to someone out there who feels sad, suicidal or depressed.

You are loved, chosen protected and treasured by your creator. Our worth has been and will always be confirmed by Christ and this gives us great lasting peace and the ability to rest in Him!

This message is for you: hang on because God is with you. You will come out Stronger. Take it day by day. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers I believe. I’m praying for you.

​God gives us new hope, think about that.

​As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ the scripture teaches us that we are made new – the old has gone and the new has come. So what is it that changes when we let Jesus into our hearts? When we are forgiven, we are given a second chance, we are truly blessed by God with the chance for a new beginning.

And with a new beginning and the realization that you are loved by God, now you are given another gift, new hope! What a true blessing it is to have hope within and beyond this life.

​God knows you better than you know yourself. He hears your prayers, (yes even the ones you can’t find the words for yet!) and He sees you heart and knows your true value.

Turning to God in our time of need is the best thing that you can do, you can rest in the Lord on a regular basis. When you give priority to the One who gives you strength you become stronger, when you walk closely by His side you will find a safe haven in His unchanging love.

​When you remember that God is for you, and not against you, you can trust in His faithfulness to carry you through even when you’ve fallen short or the outer world is chaotic.

Our God fulfills promises, He takes you on adventures that are always worth it and He never forsakes you.

When we focus on our Him and the miraculous things we know He’s done and is still doing, we close the door on fear and our trust in God grows stronger.


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