This Man From Greymouth Buys Turtle From Local Food Market And Releases Them Back To Sea

Two lovely sea turtles meant to end up as a fine meal in Papua New Guinea were luckily spared. They were purchased at a nearby food store by Arron Culling and his colleague Mark, who then returned them to their rightful home in the sea.

“Found these at the local market,” Culling wrote on Facebook on Friday. “Got them for 50 bucks drove 5km up the road and let them go.” The turtles that Culling and his colleague have rescued are not the first. About ten have already been saved.

There’re seven different species of sea turtles in the world and nearly all of them are endangered because marine turtle fishing is still legal in most areas.

In many parts of the world, marine turtle fishing is still permitted, despite the fact that six of the seven species of sea turtles are considered vulnerable or endangered. This includes coastal groups in Mexico, Australia, and Papua New Guinea that gather turtles for their meat and shells.


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