There’s No Greater Love Than The Love That Jesus Has For You

Here’s the honest truth—God loves you right now, just as you are. It’s not because of anything you do. It’s because you are covered by the grace of God. Grace covered you like a blanket the moment you accepted that Jesus paid the debt for all your wrongs. He replaced all your wrongness with His rightness.

In God’s eyes, you are new, clean, and clothed with Jesus’ perfection. He loves you the same way He loves His own Son. And that means He couldn’t possibly love you any more than He does right now. You already have ALL of God’s love.

You are completely loved. You are completely accepted. You belong to God, by grace alone, and not by works.

Greater love is possible through Christ, alone. We serve a God who loved us more than we can properly honor and give glory to. But as we live our lives within the love of Christ, God will faithfully adjust our perspective to see ourselves, and others, through the filter of greater love.

God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life! God is love. His very nature is love. That means God doesn’t just love you some of the time; His love is unconditional and He loves you with an everlasting love.

He sent His Son Jesus to die for you. Jesus Christ could have stayed in heaven, but He willingly came down to earth, sent by His heavenly Father, to suffer and to die — for you and for me!  He paid the penalty for our sins.

God wants to spend eternity in heaven with you. God desires to adopt you as a child and have you join Him in heaven with Him permanently, not just in this life. God adores you and desires to be with you forever.

God has great plans for your life here on earth. Not only did He leave us the Bible, but also His Holy Spirit, who is our leader and our guide. He knows the right roads for you to take, and if we let Him, He will lead and direct us to everything wonderful in our lives.

Let’s pray, and ask the Lord to cement these truths into our hearts: Lord, help me remember there is nothing I can do to earn Your love. There’s nothing I can do to deserve your love. Your love is not a transaction or a trade. I am loved by You with full, incredible, maximum love. I receive it right now as a gift of grace! Amen! God’s love is ours by grace alone.

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