The Bible is real, Jesus is real, Heaven is real, God’s love is real, Insert Amen

God puts dreams in our hearts for a reason! If we trust Him enough we will find ourselves on the path to the fulfillment of that dream. ​It doesn’t mean that the path will be easy, nothing worth having ever comes without some opposition.

God allows difficulty because He is preparing you for your place of promise. God loves you too much to promote you before you are ready. Through your trials God is guiding you to make the decisions you need to, learn the lessons you need to and make the corrections you need to. Have faith He is preparing you on a deep spiritual level for what you have prayed for.  Remember, to the extent that He’s allowed to work in us, will be the extent that He does great things through us.

If you come into a season of refining, lean in and ask yourself, how is God shaping me right now? Maybe you are learning humility, or bravery, or compassion. Trust the loving hand of your precious Father and know that He will lead you to the other side. ​God loves you and wants to take you from glory to glory.

​Wouldn’t it be nice to have more of an awareness that the God who created the heavens and the earth was by your side, each moment of every day?

Think about how this would change your life!? This is not only possible, it’s what you were made for. Like all relationships, feeling close to God and feeling His presence must be cultivated.​

​The presence of God satisfies our deepest spiritual longings, we are so blessed to live a life where we can connect to God’s presence and grow close to Him.

I love to read the Bible out loud to hear it’s power and to feel His presence. Have you ever tried reading from a different translation than you’re accustomed to?

Sometimes reading a verse you’re familiar with can impact your heart in a new or different way when it’s worded slightly differently, causing you to sense God’s presence anew


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