Thank You God For Carrying Me Through All The Hard Times And Never Leaving Me Alone

You who feel isolated. You who feel lonely. Do you ever experience moments when the silence around you — and in you is actually screaming? Or maybe when the chaos becomes overwhelming?

My friend, heres a reminder In the silence, in the chaos and every moment in between, God is with us. When we wake and when we sleep, God is with us. In your best day and in your worst day. God is with us. In our workplace and in our home, God is with us. In our tears and in our laughter, God is with us.

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we are not alone. God is with us. What a beautiful hope we have in that simple, yet deeply profound truth. Our God is always with us. Always in all ways. He will never leave us or forsake us, and nothing can pluck us from His hand.

There are times God will allow us to go through a painful season so that He can birth something new on the inside. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1:4, “God, who comforts us in our time of trouble, so we can comfort those in need with the comfort we have received.”

If you go through something you don’t understand, instead of getting upset, “God, why me?” Have a new perspective. God allowed that to happen because He trusts you. He knows He can count on you to take the same comfort, the same healing, the same encouragement that helped you overcome and share it with others.

You wouldn’t be reading this if special strength wasn’t on the way. God hasn’t forgotten about you. He sees what you’re going through. He sees the lonely nights, the struggles, all those times you’ve gone the extra mile. He’s about to increase your strength. The opposition may not change yet, but you’re going to have a new passion, a new fire. You’re going to stand strong and outlast what’s trying to stop you.

When you wake up each morning, you need to say, “Father, thank You for this day. Thank You that You woke me up. Thank You that You gave me air to breathe. Thank You that You’ve surrounded me with favor. Everything may not be perfect, but I know You’re on the throne. I am grateful to be alive. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for the opportunities. I’m going to make the most of this day.” That’s not just being positive, that’s putting on a fresh new attitude. You wipe the slate clean.

Today, take time to recognize and reflect on where you’ve seen God’s presence lately. Where has God shown up in your life today?


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