Forgive those who hurt you. God will pay you back with double the joy, double the victory. If you let…
This is a new day. God is breathing in your direction right now. He’s going to give you favor that…
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Sometimes we hear the truth of God’s Word but then we forget.…
The Scripture says that "God talked to Moses as a man talks to a friend." I believe this is a…
God makes all things new. Start again, don’t go backwards, go forward with Jesus Christ. God knows how to soften…
God’s dream for your life is much bigger than your own. God wants to take you further than you’re expecting.…
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.…
God will take you where you're at and He'll help you get to where you need to be. God can…
When life feels overwhelming, there’s only one place we can go for true, lasting peace—Jesus Christ. He is the “Prince…
When you know the following scriptural truths, you can't help being thankful... We are made new creatures in Christ, old…