
Talk With God, He Wants To Hear Your Heart

Talk with your Gracious Father. Spending time with Him is a necessity for the well being of your soul, and…

2 năm ago

Trust God’s Timing, A Single Moment, God Can Change Your Life

Your time for breakthrough is coming. Even when you don't see anything changing, you can trust God’s timing. What He…

2 năm ago

This Message Is For You, You Who Is Waiting For A Change, You Who Is Longing To See God Do “A New Thing”

Trusting God is the hardest lesson to learn, but the most crucial. Trusting yourself can often times be easier than…

2 năm ago

God Is Not A Genie In A Bottle, He’s your Heavenly Father, Instead Of Wishing Upon A Star, Pray To The Maker Of All Things

Not every prayer will be answered when, — and how you’d like it to be answered. Don’t stop believing, —…

2 năm ago

A Prayer For Those Feeling Insercure

Insecurity, self-doubt, and fear can totally prevent us from ever reaching our full potential. But if our confidence is in…

2 năm ago

Learn To Give Thanks To Lord

There are so many things you can thank the Lord for in your life and around you. The ability to…

2 năm ago

We Don’t Deserve Anything That God Gives Us, But He’s Gracious, Kind, Loving, and He Forgives Us!

We don’t deserve anything that God gives us. But He’s gracious, kind, loving, and He forgives us! No matter how…

2 năm ago

Today Is The Perfect Day To Begin Again With God

Today, step back and see your life from a new perspective. Realize that God has you in the palm of…

2 năm ago

Great Message Today From Joel Osteen, “Faith Is All About Trusting God Even When You Don’t Understand His Plan”

When God removes something from your life - a relationship, a friendship, a job, a spouse- it's because God has…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “God Will Take Everything You Think Is Not Enough And Turn It In More Than Enough”

There will be moments in life where people will try to underestimate you, to look down on you, but don’t…

2 năm ago