
I Believe That God Will Make The Impossible Possible In My Life

After Jesus's death, the disciples were terrified, behind locked doors, confident everything had ended. But nothing is impossible with God.…

2 năm ago

Give God Your Weakness, And He Will Give You His Strength

At times I don't like the fact that I'm weak. More than often I fear my weaknesses -- I forget…

2 năm ago

One Day, You Will Cry Because God Answered All Your Prayer

You can’t stop living. Believe, keep praying, but don’t wait for the prayer to be answered before you make plans…

2 năm ago

When You Think There Is No Hope, God Says ” Take My Hand And Let Me Lead The Way, We Can Do This Together”

Take a seat at the table God has prepared. If you’ll stay at rest, God will go to work. But…

2 năm ago

A Blessing Is Heading Your Way, Believe It, Expect It And Receive It By Faith

What do you have in your hand? God will bless it and multiply it when you give it to Him.…

2 năm ago

Never Give Up On God Because God Has Not And Will Not Give Up On You

Life is good because God is great.  My own saying to myself often,  is “never give in to Satan, and…

2 năm ago

Things To Know About Following Jesus: He Loves You, Unconditionally, He Wants The Best For You And He Wants To Be A Part Of You Life

Coming to Christ is more than a one-time decision. It's a transformation that changes that rest of our lives for…

2 năm ago

God Will Help You, Trust Him!

God has been showing me that we need to be aware of His present provisions now, and not just in…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “The Moment You Prayed”

“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you…

2 năm ago

Speak This Over Your Pain, “Whatever It Is, God’s Grace Is Sufficient”

God is so good that even our weakness is an opportunity for renewal to take place. An opportunity to grab…

2 năm ago