
We Need To Realize That God Sees Every Single Thing That We Do

We're not supposed to be afraid of God because we know that He loves us, but we do need to…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “Remember The Victories God Has Given You”

It’s good to remember the great things God has done, but God doesn’t want you to live off of yesterday’s…

2 năm ago

Today We Wanted To Remind You That God Is In The Business Of Making All Things New And Christ Is Still Your Advocate

Taking your thoughts captive may take practice, but remember, you always have been and always will be who God says…

2 năm ago

Today I Pray For Peace, Grace And Strength For You! Know That Your Best Is Better Than You Think

Grace empowers us and peace leads us. You need both to get to your destiny. We receive His empowerment, we…

2 năm ago

Obedience To God Is the Pathway To The Life You Really Want To Live

"If anybody obeys His word, God's love is truly made complete in Him. This is how we know we are…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “God Will Always Be There For You”

No Matter How We Feel, God's Faithfulness Doesn't Change Even when we feel completely alone, we have a heavenly Father…

2 năm ago

God Is Always For You, He Wants The Absolute BEST For You, He Desires For You To Have A Meaningful, Hopeful And Wonderful Life

God is always for you. He desires for you to have a meaningful, hopeful and wonderful life. It won’t always…

2 năm ago

The More People Try To Push You Down, The Higher God Will Take You, That’s The Way God Is

Life is full of peace stealers. There will always be people and circumstances trying to pull you out of peace.…

2 năm ago

When You Are Pursuing God’s Will For Your Life, He Will Give You Peace

When we trust God with our goals, dreams and plans- ALL things are possible and can come together. The reason…

2 năm ago

Jesus Said, “Don’t Be Troubled, Don’t Be Afraid”

No matter what you're going into this week, remember God has already gone before you. He has seen the days…

2 năm ago