Inspiration Message

Trust God When You Don’t Understand

We can fully trust God even when we don't understand what is happening and points to Romans 8:28 and encourages:…

2 năm ago

Keep Believing Because God Is Your Door Keeper And He Will Open Them At The Right Time – Joel Osteen

There are moments in life when it looks like the doors of healing, abundance, freedom have been shut for us.…

2 năm ago

I Need God Every Single Second Of My Life

We need God, We need God’s word. We need His word dwelling richly in us, because His Word is life…

2 năm ago

I Choose Jesus Over Everything

When life gets hard, we can either choose to lean in to God or turn away. Jesus is always with…

2 năm ago

God Cares About Everything That You Care About, He Is For You, And You Can Be Confident That He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You

Don’t let the world steal your confidence. Remember that you have been created on purpose by the hand of God.…

2 năm ago

Breaking News! Don’t Pass Without Telling God Thank You Father For Everything You Have Done

No sin too bad or shameful for the love of your almighty Father. God's love is more powerful than your…

2 năm ago

God’s Grace Is So Good, We’ll Never Be Able To Understand It

God's grace is so good...we'll never be able to understand it. He chooses the most unlikely people to use in…

2 năm ago

Learn To Trust God’s Timing! When You Begin To Doubt, Remember All God Has Already Done For You

Trust God no matter what. Believe that God is good. Trust God's timing.  He will give you what is right…

2 năm ago

We Need To Realize That God Sees Every Single Thing That We Do

We're not supposed to be afraid of God because we know that He loves us, but we do need to…

2 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, “Remember The Victories God Has Given You”

It’s good to remember the great things God has done, but God doesn’t want you to live off of yesterday’s…

2 năm ago