
Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, Jesus Is “Relationship”, Not “Religion”

When it all is said and done, At the end of the day, there’s one thing I know with all…

2 năm ago

Dear Jesus, Help Me To Make Decisions According To Your Will And Not My Emotions

God never asked you to speak your mind. “OUR” minds can be sinful and broken. The scriptures tell us that…

2 năm ago

God Cares For You, Do You Believe That? Really

God cares. He’s very much aware of everything you’re going through. God hears. He hears every unspoken prayer in your…

2 năm ago

Faith In God Includes Faith In His Timing

This message is for you. You who is waiting for a change. You who is longing to see God do…

2 năm ago

Don’t Wait Until Sunday To Thank God, Thank Him Every Day

We will never change the world by going to church. We will only change the world by being the church.…

2 năm ago

As A Pastor, What Has Joel Osteen Said About Divorce?

Joel Osteen isn't personally getting divorced, but as a pastor, he has some thoughts on the subject. On a blog…

2 năm ago

When You Feel Like Giving Up, Remember That God Will Never Left You

This message is for you. You who feel hopeless— and helpless. You who feel overwhelmed — and overworked. Have you…

2 năm ago

I Pray That Whoever Reads This, God Heals Whatever Is Hurting You

He delights in your singing, praising and giving thanksgiving to Him, but He also wants you to go to Him…

2 năm ago

I Fell In Love With Jesus, He Loved Me When I Couldn’t Love Myself

This message is for you all. You all who turned your back from God, and you secretly can't even deal…

2 năm ago

Time Spent With God Is Never Wasted

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to…

2 năm ago