God’s Plan Will Always Be Greater

Joel Osteen: “Father, Thank You For This Day, Thank You That You Woke Me Up, Thank You That You Gave Me Air To Breathe”

If God is for you, who can be against you? Today, no matter what you face, let your attitude be,…

2 năm ago

Don’t Miss This Powerful Message, “Always Thank God For Victory” From Joel Osteen

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…” (2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJ) Isn’t it wonderful…

2 năm ago

Grace and Peace Are Powerful Forces In The Life Of The Believer

If God asks us to stay in a situation, then He is going to give us a special grace, for…

2 năm ago

Be Encouraged, God’s Calling Is On Your Life! Nothing Can Sway The Purpose He Has For You

God made you like you are on purpose. If people are making fun of you or causing you to feel…

2 năm ago

No Matter How Bad Your Past Has Been, God Has A Good Future For You

You've got to learn how to think right before you can live right. God has a good plan for your…

3 năm ago

Don’t Miss This Powerful Message, “The Hand of Blessing” From Joel Osteen

Sometimes God will let you get in a difficult situation, things you don’t understand. It’s not fair. But that doesn’t…

3 năm ago

7 Things You Don’t Know About Dave Meyer, Joyce Meyer’s Husband

Dave Meyer, Joyce Meyer’s husband is not known by many. His wife is the face of the Meyer Ministry. These…

3 năm ago

What a Blessing!

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! You…

3 năm ago

Be Inspired By This Message From Joyce Meyer, “God’s Timing Is Perfect”

God’s timing will be perfect and whatever He does will be 100-percent right. God has a tremendous plan for each…

3 năm ago

Today’s Blessings, This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, and I Will Enjoy The Blessings That God Created

God's promises and blessings come with conditions that we must meet in our hearts. Scripture says, "Delight yourself in the…

3 năm ago