God wants you to have a good life, a life filled with love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. That doesn’t mean…
When we pray, we have to know that God hears us. The Psalmist said, “Lord, You hear me when I…
Relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Jesus Christ. Allow God to be the only person on…
We may not have all the answers to life but the good news is, when we commit our hearts and…
God knows how to vindicate you. If you'll stay on the high road, He will fight your battles for you.…
When you are near to Him, He makes a way where there is no way. He provides supernatural hope and…
Jesus said, “All things are possible for one who believes.” Are you believing for God to come through? The Bible…
Believe in God, Nothing is Impossible. Trust His promises. Trust the process. ell God what you need, and thank him…
I am not shielding my children from accepting others. I am shielding my children from accepting this world’s standards of…
Gracious God, you are more awesome than we can imagine. How we start off our morning will determine how the…