THEY were shocked to discover they were having twins. But at their 20-week scan, Jennifer Ashwood and Andrew House were left lost for words. After
Thẻ: Birth Vlog

A MUM who takes her three-month-old baby to the spa every week claims it relaxes him and helps him sleep. Shanelle Cotton, 26, is a

The hilarious moment a newborn baby scowls at doctors in a birthing room has gone viral. Baby Isabela Pereira de Jesus was born on February

Dara Crouch, a labor and delivery nurse, figured she pretty much knew what to expect when it came to her own pregnancy and giving birth.

The first time you are able to hold your kid after nine months of anticipation can be an extremely emotional experience. Do you believe in

Being away from one’s family is arguably one of the most difficult things a soldier has to go through throughout his or her duty. They

A new mum has told of her struggle to cope with her massive 55-INCH baby bump before giving birth. Lara Carpenter- Beck, 29, gained a

Infant and Child Loss is a topic which does get attention and awareness as much as it deserves. It’s tough to talk about a miscarriage