We all go through difficult times in life. Maybe a loved one let you down. Maybe you didn’t get the…
God's not done with you yet, He is just starting. He is greater than your fear. He is greater than…
God is not blind. He's not deaf - He hears your prayers. He understands everything that you're facing with excellent…
Not every prayer will be answered when, — and how you’d like it to be answered. Don’t stop believing, —…
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…” (2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJ) Isn’t it wonderful…
God loves you because He loves you. He does not love you based on your performance in the world. There…
God looks beyond our failures, our mistakes. God knows who you really are. He’s the one who breathed life into…
God is a giver of dreams. Any dream He gives, He will watch over to fulfill as you are obedient…
"Don’t waste today regretting the past or dreading the future. Enjoy this day because it is a gift from God!"…
Infant and Child Loss is a topic which does get attention and awareness as much as it deserves. It's tough…