When you’re under pressure, under stress, overwhelmed by a situation, too often we forget what God has said, and we go by what we see. We let negative thoughts drown out what God has promised. Recognize that’s a test.

Are you remembering that He says He’ll supply all your needs according to His riches? Are you remembering that He says greater is He who is in you than what’s trying to stop you? It’s not complicated. Start remembering what He has spoken over you.

When you remember what God says, it will change your perspective. As long as you’re dwelling on the negative, what didn’t work out, how impossible it is, that’s going to keep you discouraged.

God is saying to you, “Don’t you remember that I said? You will lend and not borrow. Don’t you remember I said? My mercy is bigger than your mistakes?”

You may have gone through loss, disappointments, but that is not how your story ends. It may be painful now, you’re hurting, but God sees it. He’s not only going to help you through, but He’s going to fill your mouth with laughter. There’s great joy in your future.

When you’re under pressure, you have to pay attention to what you allow to play in your mind. Instead of dwelling on the negative thoughts, go back to what God said. What He promised will come to pass.

God knows what’s in you; He knows what you’re capable of. He’s not going to let fear hold you back. He’s not going to let negative things people have spoken over you keep you locked in. He’s not going to let how you were raised, what you didn’t get, keep you from becoming who He created you to be.

When God overwhelms you with His goodness, when He brings you out with double, you won’t think about what you’ve lost, who hurt you, or what didn’t work out. You’ll be so amazed that God remembered you, all you will do is thank Him for what He’s done.

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for the strength that rises within me whenever I remember what You have promised me in Your Word. Thank You that I can stay focused on what You have said and walk by faith and not by sight. I will not allow negative thoughts to drown out Your voice and hold me back. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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