Categories: Powerful Message

Remember God Gives Us A Gift Everyday, God’s Greatest Gift to You

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change  like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

God gives each of us gifts and talents – we are all good at different things. But the REAL gift that God gives us is something very special.

Today is a gift that the Lord has made, that’s why it’s called the present.

Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on everything that’s not right, everything that we aren’t that we forget to pause and think about all the beautiful ways God has crafted us and blessed us. Everything that has brought us this far.

This is your morning reminder to shake off the disappointments of yesterday and embrace all that God has planned for you ahead. To keep in mind all that He has already equipped you with.

When we call on the Lord and accept Christ’s sacrifice for us we are justified before God.

This means we no longer bear our past but become adopted as daughters of God! He is faithful to secure His salvation promise for us as we trust in not only what He’s done for us but the work that He continues to do within us.

He made you. He designed you to want relationship and He made a way for you to have it with Him. Don’t miss out on this incredible gift.

Remember God gives us a gift everyday- that’s why it’s called the present! Don’t let overthinking ruin the 24 hours in front of you.

Jesus is God’s perfect, indescribable gift. And the amazing thing is that not only are we personally able to receive this gift that is too wonderful for words, but we are able to share Him with others. More important than making our homes ready, we need to make sure our hearts are ready, both to receive Christ’s love and to extend it to others. When we do, our arms can be the arms of Jesus as we reach out to others in love. Our voice can be the voice of Jesus as we share a word of encouragement and hope with others. Our hands can be the hands of Jesus that bring healing and comfort to those in need.

God’s grace is always available to us and empowers us beyond our natural ability. We don’t necessarily deserve it, but He doesn’t give it to us based on who we are; He gives it to us based on who He is! Receive His gift of grace today!


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