Categories: Amazing Nature

Photographer Spends 10 Years Capturing 48 Stunning Colors of the Moon

Marcella Pace is an Italian primary school teacher, who has a passion for the Moon and photography. The pairing of the two developed her interest in astrophotography until she became such a pro that even NASA selected some of her works for their Astronomy Photo of the Day.

Marcella Pace loves showing how the Moon can change in color, even over the course of one day during its moonrise.

Her most prized image is the one representing 48 differently colored moons and it took 10 years to put together this stunning picture. The lockdown was what caused the digital edit to take place. Pace began going through all of the images she had taken during the years since she had so much free time while being forced to stay at home. Pace started selected all the full moons she photographed over the years and chose the 48 that had the most unique colors.

Marcella Pace loves showing how the Moon can change in color, even over the course of one day during its moonrise.  All of these varied moon hues may be photographed in a single night, but Pace chose to honor her photographic career by choosing images from over ten years.

This incredible image was initially published in November 2020 as part of NASA’s Astronomy Photo of the Day, but it is still making waves online today. Marcella Pace loves showing how the Moon can change in color, even over the course of one day during its moonrise.


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