Over And Over, Again And Again God Is Faithful

Tracing God’s hand of faithfulness from yesterday reminds me that, even if I can’t see His hand of activity today, He is here and He is faithful. Trust that even in the twists and turns of life, God’s in control, and He’s forever faithful. That’s what faith is all about.

He won’t quit now. He is faithful to the promises that He has given us through His word. In order to let go of your problems you have to change your perspective to see Gods promises again.

It can be hard to loosen our grip, to let go, and to lean unto God wholeheartedly. My friend, letting go can feel like risky business and dreadful and uncomfortable at times. Yet it’s in the difficult moments when we can become the most dependent on God. Amazing right?

Sometime it takes seeing how were down to nothing – to look up and realize that God is up to something.

Whatever today brings, you can let go and trust God to be in control. It is no risk to trust the One who is totally trustworthy. God will come through for you, my friend, because “He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).

It is His nature to be faithful. He’s been faithful to me, even when i cannot see it. Cause it’s His nature to be faithful, every time. He never lets go. He never slows down. He chases us down.

Are you growing impatient as you await God’s promises? Don’t grow weary — stay faithful in doing good. God’s timing is perfect. Never too early. Never too late.

Trust Him in your waiting. Trust Him in your wondering. Trust Him in your prayers. Stay persistent in prayer, stay hopeful in worship, stay grounded in faith — He will answer you when the time is right.

Be faithful in the routine. Be faithful where God has you right now. Show what you’re made of when nobody is watching you. You’re not working unto people; you’re working unto God.

God is faithful, and we are called to walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7). Despite the evolving and unstable seasons that life brings, we are called to trust God. Through times of joy and tribulation, God’s faithfulness remains consistent and steadfast. Life can be hard, challenging, and seem unfair. When things do not go according to our plans, we become frantic, but God remains faithful.

You may be going through a season of rejection, loss, grief, or uncertainty. Do not be discouraged; there is good news for you: God’s faithfulness will never waver.

We see God’s faithfulness evident in the scriptures in the lives of many men and women. Throughout personal difficulties, God continually provided, strengthened, comforted, and supported His children.

Things will happen that are out of our control, but we must continue to give thanks for God’s faithfulness in our lives. Consider how God has been dependable to you, despite how you may feel or the situation you are in.


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