Nothing Is Too Big For Good

If nothing is impossible for God, that means anything and everything must be possible WITH God.

​​The breathtaking reality of who God is and what He is capable of unfurls over every scene of our lives. He is the very definition of trustworthy. And He can do anything. Anything.

​God gives you only what you can handle, He is always with you and loves you through every lesson you face. The good, the hard, the easy and the seemingly impossible.

God is there at every turn to remind you, that with Him, you can handle it. It’s the hand of God that defies the odds, that thrusts you into places you can’t go on your own, that makes ways where there is no way.

What you’re up against may look bigger, stronger, more powerful, but it’s no match for our God. Stay in peace. You have the most powerful force in the universe on your side.

What is impossible with man is possible with God. We always have hope because the greater One lives in us!

Don’t be afraid to take a step of faith; a small step or a big one because every step takes you closer to where you need to be! With God on your side, all things are possible.

You may be going through some difficult situations, but you have strength to make it through! With God, all things are possible, and you are stronger than you think.

You might think, “I don’t know if I can make it,” but God wants you to know that all things are possible with Him. Don’t look at what you can’t do; look at what God can do through you!

Today, know that God loves you with an everlasting love. He’s not waiting for you to clean up to come to Him. He’s not waiting for you to be good enough to earn His approval. No, He’s waiting with arms outstretched, ready to receive you when you make the choice to call on His name.

Receive His love today, receive His grace, and receive the gift of Jesus Christ because your debt is paid in full!


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