Categories: Powerful Message

No Matter What You’re Facing In Life, Always Remember These Three Things: God Is With You, He Is In Control And He Loves You

Are you struggling today? Cling to these truths…God loves you, He is with you, and you don’t have to face this life alone!

God loves you. He sees what you’re going through, He is with you, and He desires to help you right where you are.

God is with you. He has something for you, and He wants to do something in you.

Fear loves to chase you and watch you run. What God wants us to do is confront things and deal with things and know that because He’s with us, we can do anything.

Anytime you try to make progress in life, there will be opposition. But with God on your side, you can stand your ground. When you’re doing your best and opposition comes, thank God that He is empowering you to overcome.

Trust that God is in control. Enjoy today, knowing God makes all things good in time. Trust in God, don’t worry, think about what you’re thinking about, and maintain peace in your heart no matter what is going on in your life.

God is saying, ‘Be strong and courageous. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’  Don’t fight people, fight fear and discouragement.

Why am I so passionate about Jesus?

Because I know what it’s like to not have Him in my life.

I know what it’s like to be: ⁣

– Emotionally empty. ⁣

– Unhappy and lacking purpose⁣

– Living a sinful lifestyle ⁣

– Partying and not taking care of my body. ⁣

– Being in emotionally abusive relationships. ⁣

– Living for myself and not for God ⁣

– Modeling in risqué clothing for money⁣

– Making foolish choices ⁣

– Placing my worth in the world ⁣

And on and on.⁣..

That is why my focus and my life is dedicated to glorifying God with my life, projects, movies, Project Inspired and mission.

He loves you so much and if He can redeem me and my past, and save me from my poor choices, He can redeem anyone I believe.

If someone in your life is not walking with the Lord, pray for them and continue to show them God’s love. The seeds your planting can bloom later on in God’s timing. What’s your story?

Today, no matter what comes against you, remember God is always for you! Stay in step with Him because He will lead you into blessing.


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