Categories: Inspirational Quotes

Never Give Up On God Because God Has Not And Will Not Give Up On You

Life is good because God is great.  My own saying to myself often,  is “never give in to Satan, and never give up on God” He alone is worthy of our trust. He’s got all that you ever need, keep trusting in Him he will, and is making a way for you through whatever your situation is right now!! Trust Him and believe that.

God is the God of second chances. He will never give up on you if you don’t give up on Him. Are you in a situation you see “no way” out of ? Think again! God’s ways are not our ways, but His way is always best. Do not stop trusting Him, and He will show you the way through to your breakthrough.

God has a plan for you and He has heard your prayers; you may not realize how close you are to your breakthrough. Even if you have to wait three, four, or five more years, if you will keep pressing on, you will have the victory you need. Whatever you do, do not give up on the brink of your breakthrough. Do not stop hoping, believing, and trying. Instead, say, “I will never quit; I will never give up; I will never say, ‘No way.’ ”

God never gives up on us. You may think of all the reasons why you can’t overcome, why that problem is too big, and how it’s unbearable, but God is going to keep calling you a mighty hero. He’s going to keep telling you that you’re stronger than you think. He’s going to keep pushing you forward, showing you signs of His favor.

Your precious Lord Jesus is asking you to “take heart” knowing that help will never be far from you. He’s near to you always — and forever. God sees in you what you can’t see in yourself. He sees the good that will come out of your grungy circumstances.

You are a child of God and His plans for you are bigger than your mistakes. Come to Him in faith and receive the transforming gift of His Spirit. He wants to help you view your enemies different today — and give you the power.

God’s timing is always perfect. Always.  It may not be the same as your timing and it may not make sense, but when you look back, you’ll see how He has orchestrated your every step! It’s hopeful know we serve a God who is completely faithful.

In life, people will give up on you but God never will. Avoid overthinking and trust Him in every situation. Avoid overthinking and allow God to help you through whatever challenges you’re are facing today. Run to God, not to the world!

Friend, What are you forcing in your life today? Don’t spend months, days, and hours asking God in prayer to bring back what He is saving you from. God has something and someone better for you.

Whatever you are dealing with today, trust God. Trust His timing. Rely on His promises. He is not about to fail you neither is He about to forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). God rewards obedience, speak this over your life, ”Today, im saying Yes to Gods No.” Run to Him, and not to it. You’ll never regret it. ❤️


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