Categories: Baby's Story

Mum Of Quintuplets Shares Precious Photos Of Her Babies

Proud parents to five new born babies have shared heart-warming photos of the quintuplets for the first time.

Kim and Vaughn Tucci from Perth, Western Australia, welcomed five healthy babies in January, 2016 – a son, Keith, and four daughters – Ali, Penelope, Tiffany and Beatrix.

Kim and Vaughn Tucci wanted to try for one more child to “round off their little family” when they discovered they were set to have five more instead – a one-in-60 million chance.

At first, Kim was told she should consider a selective birth and choose two babies so that they would have the greatest possible chance of survival. “I watched a YouTube video on the procedure and I cried, I could never do that,” she wrote in a Facebook post. “Was I selfish for not giving two the chance of 100% survival? All I know is that I already love them, and with every heartbeat, I hear, I connect with them more.”

Kim and her husband, Vaughn, welcomed four girls and one boy into the world on January 28, 2016, through C-section, exactly two minutes apart after a long and tough pregnancy.

We would like to say a big thank you to Dr. Jan Dickinson for looking after me and the babies with such love and care,” wrote Kim on her Facebook page. “I was very lucky to have an amazing medical team supporting me. Thank you for giving me an exceptional birth.”

Tiffany, Penelope, Beatrix, Allie, and Keith, finally came home on April 7, 2016.

Kim is a wonderful mother and Vaughn a fantastic father, the pressures placed on this young couple go far beyond what many of us could ever imagine.

The pictures are just beautiful! Can you picture attempting to capture a photo of them all simultaneously glancing at the camera?

“Each day they strive to make their family as happy as they possibly can without passing on their worries and concerns to each other.” She stated that the couple was renting a house since they were unable to afford to buy one that was large enough to accommodate everyone. Additionally, they lacked a vehicle with the necessary nine seats for Ali, Penelope, Tiffany, Beatrix, and Keith as well as themselves, their two other kids.

A Go Fund Me page has been started to help the Tuccis buy a nine-seater car so they can safely get out and about as a family.


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