Categories: Baby's Story

Like Mother Like Daughter: Little Girl Born With A White Patch Of Hair Exactly Like Her Mum’s

We don’t know what the possibilities for 4 people in 1 family having the same trait passed genetically are, but we’re pretty sure that the odds are quite slim. Still, when MilliAnna Worthy of Ridgeland, South Carolina, was born, that’s precisely what occurred.

Her mother, 23-year-old Brianna Worthy, has the exact same one, in the same place. However, Brianna and infant MillAnna are not the only ones who have this birthmark. Her great-grandparents and grandmother both have similar hair. Making her the fourth generation to inherit the look.

The girl’s hair color is pretty unique, and that’s for a good reason – it’s caused by a rare condition called poliosis. The condition causes an insufficient pigmentation in the skin and the hair surrounding it – that’s why that white patch appeared.

The latter turned out to be a very happy reality for MilliAnna Worthy of Ridgeland, South Carolina. MilliAnna was born with her mother’s distinctive white fringe. And 18 months later, it looks even better!

“We are unsure how far back the birthmark goes as my grandmother was adopted as a child and hasn’t met her biological family,” Brianna said.

Brianna hopes her daughter will embrace her uniqueness as she gets older. While the birthmark usually elicits questions from those the mother and daughter pass on the street, there was a time when people weren’t so kind about her birthmark. Worthy recalled kids calling her skunk when she was growing up.

“Sometimes it would bother me when I was younger, but I grew to end up really loving it in my hair and was confident that it was my own unique signature look.”

“I plan to raise my daughter knowing she is beautiful and special and to not listen to people mean comments at times.”

What a beautiful and rare outlook! MilliAnna is fortunate to have a mother that recognizes her requirements and values the incredibly distinctive characteristic they both received!

Hopefully, one day there will be no anger and rude comments in the world, especially toward such beautiful and unique people as Brianna and her little princess, MilliAnna.


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