“Don’t waste today regretting the past or dreading the future. Enjoy this day because it is a gift from God!”
Everything good, everything beautiful and all of the gifts come from God’s hand and blessings over your life.
If you have faith, a heart of gratitude, and a trust for Jesus’ plan- you will see God at work in your life and all of the beautiful things and treasures He provides for you. In fact, the Bible says if you steward them well, they will increase in number.
When we grasp the gift of salvation, really trust that God is good for it and live as if we believe Him, our entire outlook on life changes.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so no one can boast.”
When we respond to the Holy Spirit’s call by embracing Christ as Lord and Savior, grace saves us.
We are assured salvation from judgment and separation from God. We are also assured a present grace, God’s favor with us day today. Not only are we eternally secure but we have His Spirit to strengthen, guide and enable us in the day to day.
He made you. He designed you to want a relationship and He made a way for you to have it with Him. Don’t miss out on this incredible gift!
God knows each of His children intimately and every breath you take has meaning to Him.
God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, is with you in a very personal and intimate way. The God of all creation lives within us. He is your tender hearted and almighty Father and His love for you is greater than you can comprehend.
God has a plan for His you and He is working it out. Nothing that happens is separate from God’s ultimate purpose. Even through difficult times, you can know that God is with and for you.
Not one of your tears is ever wasted, God will remember your sorrow and He will never forget about you. Be confident that God is on your side, celebrate His grace and praise Him for His almighty love.
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