Categories: Powerful Message

Learn To Trust God’s Timing! When You Begin To Doubt, Remember All God Has Already Done For You

Trust God no matter what. Believe that God is good. Trust God’s timing.  He will give you what is right for you at the right time.

We need to learn how to wait on God. God does things in His timing, not ours, so we need to learn to wait with patience and a good attitude. Everybody waits, so we might as well learn to wait well!

You can trust God’s timing, He gave you a promise and He intends to follow through. Even if it seems like your timing is better, remind yourself that  God’s ways are best. ​If God spoke it, it will happen no matter how long it takes.

​Through all things God is teaching you and guiding you towards what really matters. Reflect on the thing you are feeling impatient for, ask yourself why you feel like it has to be now, and what could you learn by surrendering the timing over to God?

God’s timing for you is perfect, so letting go of your timeline is incredibly freeing. You will find that your actual life is beautiful just the way it is.

And when your life plays out in a different timeline than originally expected, you aren’t disappointed—because you didn’t cling to your plans tighter than His sovereignty. Letting God be God in the course of your life is the epitome of freedom.

Understanding God’s timing in my life has been one of my biggest lessons in faith.​

Life is not always simple, and it might feel like a battle to maintain devoting our lives to Him when we are challenged by the world or our own inner selves. When we are nervous or afraid, it is so easy to take control and think, “I know better, I have to do something here, I have to control this.”

​How many times have you taken up the reins in your own life, only to be met with a reminder that your way isn’t the answer? It is almost funny for me to reflect on the stress I caused myself trying to force my idea onto God’s greater plan.

One of the most liberating and tranquil things you can acquire is to trust God and have faith in His timing in your life.

Wait on the Lord; be brave, and He will strengthen your heart; wait on the Lord, I say! Psalm 27:14 (NIV)

​God has a plan for you, and just remember sometimes He needs to get you ready for that plan.

When you understand God’s timing, you won’t live stressed out. You can relax knowing that God is in control, and at the perfect time He is going to make it happen.

If everything is not happening in your timing the way you want, keep doing your best. God is still in control.

God always has your best interests in mind. And the best timing. We might not understand it, but He knows what’s best. After I gave my life to Jesus I saw how everything was lining up in His perfect timing.

When we let go, and let God lead- He will always show up. He is always there. Working behind the scenes in His perfect timing for your life.

God’s timing for you in ALL things is perfect- please trust in Him and wait patiently and continue doing His will because He will bless you!!


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