Joel Osteen 2022 Today’s Sermon – Keeping God in First Place

We can make an idol out of just about anything or anyone. It could be a spouse, a child, a good friend, something you own, your home, or your career. When something takes precedence in our lives over God, who should always come first, we must deal with it forcefully and return it to its proper place.

When we choose the Word of God, we choose strength, grace, peace, and victory. Put God first, meditate on His truth, and let Him empower you in every area of your life.

Maybe it’s a person, or even that person’s good opinion of you that you strive for and think about far too much. Absolutely no one or nothing should ever push God out of first place in your life.

Keep in mind that one day everything on this earth will pass away, so don’t spend your life worshipping something that is always in the process of turning to dust! God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and He must also be everything in between.

God loves you so much today. He wants to lift your burdens and bring you comfort. He wants you to have peace because you trust in Him.

In Deuteronomy 33:12 it says, “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders.”  This verse paints such a beautiful picture of the invitation for us to just lay our heads on Jesus’ chest and allow Him to shield us from anything that would come against us in this life.

I believe that this year, God is calling us all to a new place of rest. When we rest securely in Christ’s unconditional love, it strengthens us and enables us to enjoy the love of our family, friends and spouses more—even when their love fails to meet our expectations. Because of Christ’s love, you don’t have to be shaken when the love of others seems uncertain or when you feel like you were the one who let someone down.

The economy is not your source; God is your source. He owns it all. One touch of His favor will put you into overflow. When you keep God first place, when you honor Him with your life, you are connected to a supply line that will never run dry. The Scripture says, “Even in famine, you will have more than enough.” When things are drying up all around you—you should be lacking, struggling, barely making it—you will see supernatural provision. Increase, promotion, opportunities that don’t make sense.

Put God first and God will take care of the rest. But if you put money, power, and pleasure first, you are going to be deceived. Fix your hope in God.

Prayer Starter: I will not allow anything to take first place in my life other than God, and I will make any change necessary to be sure that is where He always stays. In the name of Jesus, amen!


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