Jesus Said, “Forgive So You Can Be Free”

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34, NIV

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” They didn’t ask for or deserve forgiveness. But Jesus was showing us by example to release the toxin of unforgiveness so that nothing will hold us back.

When somebody does us wrong, human nature wants to hold on to the hurt and anger. We think, I’m not going to forgive them. They don’t deserve it. But you’re not forgiving for their sake; you’re forgiving for your sake.

When you forgive, as Jesus did, you’re not excusing their behavior. You’re simply getting the poison out of you. You have to forgive so that you can be free.

As you forgive, God is going to make things beautiful in your life. You’re not just doing them a favor; you’re doing yourself a favor. Make that call.

The mercy you show them is the mercy that’s going to be shown you. Life is short; time is flying by. They’re not always going to be here.

Forgive so you can be free; forgive so healing will be released. When you let it go, God can make you whole not only physically, but emotionally. That’s when He’ll give you a new beginning. You’ll start dreaming again, laughing again, and loving again.

You may have made mistakes, we all have, but God is saying, “You’re forgiven.” If He forgives you, why don’t you forgive yourself? As long as you’re beating yourself up, reliving your failures, dwelling on disappointments, that’s going to keep you from moving forward with your life. Shake that off. This is a new day. It’s time to say goodbye to guilt, goodbye to condemnation, goodbye to being against yourself.

Forgive the people who offended you. Release them. Forgive yourself. Let it go. It’s better in the hands of God. Don’t worry and fret. Don’t let that negative emotional baggage define your life. God doesn’t allow it to define you, and neither should you.

You may have made mistakes, but the moment you asked God to forgive you, He not only forgave you, but He took it one step further, He doesn’t remember it anymore. God’s mercy is bigger than your mistake.

Sometimes, no matter what you say or do, there are people who aren’t going to accept you. However, what others think won’t stop God from working in your life. Choose to forgive others and choose to move on.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: “Father, thank You for Your love toward me. Thank You that because I am freely forgiven by Jesus on the cross, I can also forgive others for anything they’ve done wrong to me. I declare that I’m letting it go and getting the poisons out of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen”.


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