Jesus Died For EVERY Person, And We All Have Value

Today, we honor the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross because of His love for us. Take some time today and thank God for sending his Son Jesus so that our sins could be forgiven, and we can be free!

It’s time to let go of everything that’s ever soured your life, whether it’s something that was done to you or something that you did. Jesus Christ will make you whole!

God is love, God is light, Christ is truth. Each of these attributes is more powerful than time and more immense than our human minds can comprehend. But when we are blessed to experience His presence, it is truly glorious and some might say ‘timeless’.

​God’s love has no beginning and because He is eternal His love can have no end. God’s love is an incomprehensibly vast, horizonless ocean to which we come in joyful worship. God existed before His creation and He will exist forever.

​Your God is not a distant God who exists only in the furthest realm of your imagination; He is up close and personal and He with you for eternity.

God is always working for your good and when you turn to Him in troubled times you see that He is working on your character ​– from the inside out – to be like His Son.

In this process of conforming to the image of Christ, you also glorify Jesus by declaring that He is the perfect human and your best example for navigating the world.

God is lifting you up in every season, have faith in the promises He has made to you.  Continue in God’s Word and never give up on your relationship with Him. If you don’t quit, you will be free, and it will be greater than you ever imagined.


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