God will never fail you. God will never leave you. God will never forsake you. God will never lie to you. God will never betray you. God will never stab you in the back. God will never abandon you.
One of the best things I’ve learned is to trust God’s timing and trust His ways. What God promised will come to pass, but it may not happen the way you think; it may not be when you had planned. If you’re trying to control the outcome and control the timeframe, you’re going to live worried. You have to release control. Release having to have it happen your way.
Here are a few truths that will transform your life today. If you start changing your thinking — I encourage you to confess these words over your life over and over. Speak it with a heart full of faith — and then act on these truths.
No matter how often I fail, I will not give up, because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me. He has promised to never leave me or forsake me (see Hebrews. 13:5).
I like myself — even when I don’t feel like it. I love God, and my neighbor as I love myself. I don’t like everything I do, and I want to change— but I refuse to reject myself and God’s work in my life.
I am right with God through Jesus Christ. I’m broken and can’t do anything apart from Him. I desperately need Him.
God has a good plan for my life. I am going to fulfill His will and be all I can be for His glory. I have God-given gifts and talents, and I intend to use them to help others.
I am nothing, and yet He has made me the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! In myself I am nothing, and yet in Jesus I am everything I need to be!
I can do all things I need to do, everything God calls me to do, through His Son Jesus Christ (see Philippians. 4:13).
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The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave…
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