Categories: Powerful Message

If Jesus Is Everything You Have, Then You Have Everything You Need!

Jesus is the promise God made to us from the beginning.

​In Jesus, God brought a love and a purpose and a plan for the world that is so big we barely believe it.

​But when we do believe in it and realize the greatness of God, our hearts feel that future with new hope! It makes us strong enough to face anything and to put our faith, everything we have into eternal hope.

​Who Jesus is really make us look at our selves, the unconditional love of God reveals our hearts and renews us. Jesus is God’s deepest purpose to remake the world.

“We need to not compare ourselves to those around us or on social media. When man fails us and disappointment strikes at our hearts again, we can look up and worship the one who will never leave or forsake us. ”

His mercy will endure forever , He will never forsake you . And that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

What God has for you will NOT be given to SOMEONE else. If you have to fight for their love and attention or a spot in their lives, that is a proof it isn’t God’s will. Wait on God, trust His Word. Enjoy your season. Pray for the right person. It will happen in His time.

Jesus wants us to have an abundant life that we can enjoy. He wants us to have joy overflowing so it’ll bubble over on other people and that will cause them to want a relationship with Christ like we have.

If you have Jesus, you have joy in you. But Satan works really hard to try to block it because the joy of the Lord is our strength. We need to be as joyful as we can!

No matter what has happened to your life, no matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, it is never too late to press into a new beginning.

If Jesus is everything you have, then you have everything you need. You are an ambassador for Jesus Christ. Even when it’s not easy, it’s important to show God’s kindness and love to people.

Remember, through Jesus, you are a new creation. The old is gone, and it’s time to embrace the new that God has for you. Even if you can’t see it, even if you don’t fully understand, take a step of faith and declare His Word. Declare, “I am more than a conqueror! I am the head and not the tail! I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!” As you meditate on His Word, your mind will catch up, and you will be in the position to receive all of the spiritual blessings He has prepared for you!


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