Faith means believing that the blessing of God never fails to follow obedience, no matter the sacrifice.
Are there any places in your life where you feel tempted to give up on doing things God’s way? Have you found yourself so afraid He won’t come through that you’re teetering on the edge of giving in — to poor choices, an attitude of defeat, quitting altogether?
Disappointing circumstances can leave us angry, exhausted, and frustrated. But here is truth we can cling to this morning. A reminder that we can trust our promise keeping God:
“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19)
Whenever we get lost in what feels too hard and our thoughts start to veer off into an toxic and ungodly place, we can remember God is unchanging, always true, and always faithful to follow through on His promises to us.
God never fails. He is never late, never untrustworthy, and loves us more than we could begin to comprehend. God can be trusted, and we can rest in Him. Do you believe that, beloved?
You have to trust Him when you don’t understand. You have to know that everything is serving His plan. That’s why Paul said, “All things work together for good for those that love the Lord.” All things may not be good—the sickness isn’t good, the loss isn’t good—but the promise is they’re going to work out for your good.
Sometimes we don’t know what God is up to. We go through disappointments, loss, bad breaks. It doesn’t make sense to us. It’s a setback. But nothing is random; it’s all working according to His plan and what He decided long ago. You have to trust Him when you don’t understand. You have to believe that He’s sovereign, that it’s all serving a purpose. One day, you’ll see what He was up to.
There are moments in your future where, because you’re serving, giving, helping others, God is going to suddenly thrust you to a new level. God knows how to change your status. He knows how to bump you up to a different dimension. One touch of His favor won’t just impact you; it will impact your whole family. You may not see how it can happen, but you don’t know what God is up to. If you’ll keep being faithful, He’ll make things happen you never dreamed would happen.
When you do things God’s way and submit yourself to His plan for your life, He promises success.
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