This message is for you all. You all who turned your back from God, and you secretly can’t even deal with yourself.
God is not mad at you. You shouldn’t be angry at yourself either. You’ve made plenty of mistakes – I know i have. We’ve lied. We’ve stolen. We’ve cheated. We’ve blasphemed God’s precious name. We’ve all lusted, and lured others into our own sinful patterns.
Truth is we aren’t good. No matter how good we think we are — We’ve all fallen short of God’s standard (Romans 3:23)…. That’s why He sent Jesus. To be our perfection. How amazing is that? Crazy love.
He is not intimidated by how messed up your past is, His love keeps no record of wrongs. He still loves you the same. You are not your mistakes. You are not your past. You are not what you’ve done or what’s been done to you.
We may have done some terrible things in the past but God is faithful enough to give us His stainless Son, and erase our past, present, and future sins, and that’s called GRACE.
When all else fails, Christ remains, and the love of the Lord is everlasting. Your life, your provision, every good thing has come from Him to you. So when you come to Him, know without a doubt that He’s ready to meet you right where you are.
The Bible says if we abide in Jesus (including the Word and in prayer), we will produce great fruit. Not only does salvation come through Christ, but also the power to walk out our purpose.
It’s never too late to have a “fresh start” with Him. He’s actually waiting on you. He still chose the cross for you. By His stripes you are healed.
If you’re going to taste God’s goodness, you have to realize that every good break, every time you were protected, every door that opened, and every advantage you’ve gotten has been God working in your life.
No matter how bad you messed up today, He still loves you. He’s not disappointed at you. He can still use you. Run back to Him — don’t keep your back towards Him.
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