Categories: Powerful Message

I Don’t Believe In Luck Or Magic, I Believe In God, His Blessings, His Mercy, His Favor And His Grace, Amen!

Believe in God, Nothing is Impossible. Trust His promises. Trust the process.

ell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Walk in faith and not in fear today. Don’t worry about things God has already worked out in your life. You already did what you know best. Now, leave everything to God. He’s got you.⁣⁣

When we grasp the gift of salvation, really trust that God is good for it and live as if we believe Him, our entire outlook on life changes.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so no one can boast.”

When we respond to the Holy Spirit’s call by embracing Christ as Lord and Savior, grace saves us.

We are assured salvation from judgment and separation from God. We are also assured a present grace, God’s favor with us day today.

Not only are we eternally secure but we have His Spirit to strengthen, guide and enable us in the day to day.

He made you. He designed you to want a relationship and He made a way for you to have it with Him. Don’t miss out on this incredible gift!

The grace of God provides what we lack: righteousness. This righteousness is what gives the Holy Spirit the ability to dwell in us and usher in the transformation of salvation. And this righteousness is a gift because of grace.

​Today, let’s rejoice in God’s grace and mercy that keeps us daily. We will fail and fall short of His glory daily, but His mercy always remains.

We can wholeheartedly trust His Word when He says He is always with us. God’s loving mercy is our hope because it’s based in who He is in spite of ourselves. His love never changes and nothing can snatch us out of His hand.

You are forever loved, chosen protected and treasured by your creator. He is true to His word and He is true to stick with you through every season of life. You are covered!


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