No one believed David could defeat the giant, but David wasn’t discouraged. David had sought the Lord early, which gave him confidence in God to do what he was supposed to do that day. When David killed Goliath, he ran quickly to the battlefield and proclaimed victory in the name of the living God (see 1 Samuel 17:20-54).
You need to get your confidence from God, not from the way other people make you feel or don’t make you feel. Stop giving others responsibility for your confidence. Find out who you are in Christ and you will grow in confidence. You will always have value to God because you’re His child and He loves you!
Confidence is holding on to a strong faith in God, a faith that is backed up with complete knowledge and understanding that with God’s help you can do anything. God always does His part, making seemingly impossible things possible!
People who rise early and seek God go forth to do what they must do with courage. Ask God for confidence to slay any giants in your life that have set themselves against God’s plan for you.
Trust in God, don’t worry, think about what you’re thinking about, and maintain peace in your heart no matter what is going on in your life!
Live each day with a grateful heart, appreciative for all wonderful that God has done in your life, no matter how great or tiny. You can’t help but be enthusiastic about what God is going to accomplish in your future as you recall the excellent things God has done in the past and understand the benefits you have now.
Trusting God is simply believing that He loves you, He’s good, He has the power to help you, He wants to help you, and He will help you. Christians are called believers, but many times, we are more like unbelieving believers. We place more faith in our friends, the bank, the stock market, or the government than in God and His Word. God want for us to prioritize Him in our lives. He wants us to have complete faith and trust in Him at all times and in all situations.
Prayer Starter: Lord, please give me the courage I need to face every challenge that comes my way today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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