Trust His plan. God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But, it will work out for your good. If it’s for you, you don’t have to force anything — His plan will come into fruition!
Even when we can’t see it, God’s plan is perfect. If nothing else we can trust in that. Stop overthinking. If it’s God’s will it’ll happen and nothing will stop it. If it’s not, He has a better plan. Have peace in knowing that.
It’s not too late, you haven’t missed your chance; you don’t know what God is up to. He can make things happen that you never dreamed would happen. If God closed a door, that’s because He intends another door for you—a door that’s way better than what you thought was meant for you. His plans for you are far greater than yours.
The plans of God NEVER fail! We have plans that we make and they easily fail, why? They’re not Gods plans! Instead of us rushing and making our own plans. Lets get into the presence of God and ask Holy Spirit what is it that He has for us to do. Gods plans=success
God plan will always include what is best for you, and even though life will bring ups and downs, with God in your life you will find a reason to smile through the storm.
God’s plan for you is greater than the trials you face. God has a habit of turning things around. Just take Jospeh, for example. His biggest setbacks because the greatest set up for God to place Him in the highest court in Egypt to save a nation.
What looked like the deepest defeat on the cross, because Christs greatest work for the salvation of mankind. This is your reminder that He is the same God today. He can use any trial for the greatest glory.
God’s plan for you is greater than the trials you face.
God has a habit of turning things around. Just take Jospeh, for example. His biggest setbacks because the greatest set up for God to place Him in the highest court in Egypt to save a nation.
What looked like the deepest defeat on the cross, because Christs greatest work for the salvation of mankind. This is your reminder that He is the same God today. He can use any trial for the greatest glory.
Philippians 4:6 says to be anxious for nothing. How? By presenting your requests to God and placing your trust in Him. Anxiety manifests when we think we have to figure everything out. Turn to God, He has a plan.
God’s plan for your life doesn’t change because of difficulties around you. Everything you need to fulfill His plan is within reach. You hold the seeds to greatness in your future. God has equipped you. Know today that failure is not final. God always has the final say. Mistakes don’t have to keep you from your destiny. God’s plan can override every setback.
When God designed the plan for your life, it wasn’t dependent on you being perfect, never making a mistake, or never taking a wrong turn. No, God knew we would all make mistakes. He knows how to get you back on track no matter where you are in life.
Your life is not over because someone left you. God’s plan was not cancelled because of a disappointment or an unfair situation. Trust Him and He’ll repay you double for your trouble!
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