God’s Faithful Promise Will Protect You Always

Each day, as you pursue the promise God has given you, make it a habit to say, “God’s working!” You may not know all the details of how it is going to work out, but that’s okay. God knows the beginning to the end (see Isaiah 46:10). He is in control, and He can bring it to pass!

God can never be defeated, distracted or disappointed. As we’re faithful to God; He’ll release His favor on us and bless us for our faithfulness.

You can trust in God; you can put your confidence in God at all times. He will never let you down. God is faithful. ​God is trustworthy.

Take peace today in knowing that Lord God is not only sovereign, not only wise and not only good and loving, He is faithful.

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” ​Genesis 28:15

​In His time and in His way, God will fulfill every promise. God has already fulfilled His most important promise by sending Jesus to die for us so that we can enjoy eternal life in Him.

God promises to be our vindicator but there’s still a little bit more we need to do. God knows how to protect you, not only from harm, not only from the wrong people. God will protect you from yourself.

Just because a promise hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. You may have had some bad breaks, but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to fulfill your destiny. He wouldn’t have approved it if it wasn’t going to benefit you. Get over your disappointment. God is still going to fulfill what He promised you.

Sometimes in life, a fog sets in and you don’t know which way is the right direction. Every voice may tell you it’s not going to happen, but God has placed a promise in your heart. Refuse to listen to those voices.

What we focus on, we magnify. We’re not changing its actual size. We’re simply making it bigger in our own mind. If you stay focused on your problems, all that’s going to do is make it bigger than it really is. Focus on God’s promise, not your problem.

Give thanks for our God is good!


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