Categories: Powerful Message

God Shifted Your Situation You Don’t Even Know It, Just Tell Him Thank You

If God is for you, who can be against you? Today, no matter what you face, let your attitude be, “God’s got this!” Then thank Him for the victory that’s already on its way!

I believe that God has a word for someone who is reading this today. You need to keep on living. Don’t focus so much on an area of your life that needs to change or on something you want to happen. Don’t make your plans around an unanswered prayer.

God has new things springing up even now. He didn’t say there was not going to be a wilderness. He didn’t say there wasn’t going to be some things you look at and ask, “Why did this happen to me? This is a waste.” God says, “You’re not going to stay where you are. I can make a way in the wilderness. I can refresh you in the times that feel wasted. There are new opportunities, new ways of doing things, and new growth.”

Don’t waste your precious time, your precious life, when God has already put “new things” into motion. They are springing up for you to have today. Can you see it?

God is looking for people who are prepared, people that are taking steps to grow, and people that are serious about fulfilling their destiny. Get prepared—there are amazing things in your future. God has shifted things in your favor.

If you can learn to pray bold prayers and big prayers, and expect big and believe big, God will do extraordinary things in your life.

When you start praying God-sized prayers, when you know God has shifted things in your favor, don’t be surprised if you have opposition. All that means is that you are close to your victory. You are close to seeing explosive blessings.

When you‘re praying, but the situation isn’t improving, that’s when it’s easy to get discouraged and think, “It’s not going to happen.” But how you wait will determine whether or not your situation changes. Pass the test of keeping a good attitude when you don’t see anything happening.

When you trust in God, he can shift things in your life to a higher level. Perhaps it’s a boost in your career, a breakthrough in your health, or a relationship restored.

When God laid out the plan for your life, He didn’t just put into it what you need to get by to survive, He put more than enough in it! He’s a God of abundance.

God’s favor causes you to overcome, to outlast, to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. Don’t talk about how big the problem is; talk about how big your God is.

It’s time to change your thinking and invite God to transform your life. His purposes and plans are so much greater than anything from your past.

Don’t miss your moment. Life is flying by. You don’t have time to waste being unfocused, intimidated and letting opportunities pass you up. You have to get focused, be intentional. Start taking steps of faith to release the gifts that God has put in you.

Next time you face an inconvenience, instead of letting it sour your day, have a new approach. Say, “God, I know You’re directing my steps, so I’m going to stay in peace and enjoy where I am.” That’s passing the test. That’s letting God refine you.


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