Categories: Powerful Message

“God Loves You, He Cares For You And He Is Going To Bless Your Monday And Your New Week.”

Our Monday is already blessed, my friends! We woke up! Good Morning and Happy Monday! It’s our first Monday of September 2022 and it is going to be great. No matter what happens this week, I pray you keep hope alive in your heart.

Welcome to a new week! Put a smile on your face and look for God to do something new in your life! Let your countenance reflect your expectation!

We all need a hug to start our week off with a smile. So, even if you’re not fully awake yet, reach out and grab a hug! With his hug, I am sending encouragement and I am saying to you, “God loves you, He cares for you and He is going to bless your Monday and your new week.”

What are you expecting this week? Are you expecting good breaks, new opportunities, and favor beyond anything you can imagine? I hope so! Faith pleases God, and your expectancy opens the door for a miracle.

I want to pray a simple prayer for your week and send the prayer with your hug. Pray this prayer with me and receive the blessings sent with it. Dear God, We thank you for this new day, this new week. We are thankful that you woke us up and let us see another new week. We are thankful to you today and every day. We believe you will continue to bless us and keep us safe in this new week and throughout the month of April.

Bless each day of this week for all of us. May we wake up each morning refreshed from a good night’s rest and may we be thankful for each day’s blessings in the evening. Take away our worries, fill our hearts with your calm, and strengthen our faith in You. We are relying on your assurance that You won’t abandon us.

Place a shield of protection around us and keep us safe from all harm. Guide our footsteps away from danger, negativity and drama and may we reflect your love in everything we do.

Today, Lord, we pray that our faith is stronger than our fear. We ask that Your faith in us will make our worries go away. We ask that you dispel all uncertainty from our hope in You. We are aware that miracles occur in places where there is hope and trust.

We believe in you, we trust in you and we are going to live each day of this week for Your glory. We will praise you in the morning, in the afternoon and in the night. We are grateful to You for last week’s lovely, wonderful week as well as the calm, tranquil weekend. To be with our relatives and friends was such a blessing. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Today, whenever you need a hug, remember that this one is here for you. And remember that God loves you, cares for you and He will never leave you. Monday Hugs! Sending you love, blessings and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!


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