God Loves Us No Matter Our Mistakes Which Is So Reassuring

When you know the following scriptural truths, you can’t help being thankful…

We are made new creatures in Christ, old things have passed away and all things have become brand-new.

We can let go of past mistakes and press toward the mark of perfection.

We know that God loves us with an everlasting, unconditional love and that His mercy endures forever.

We know that all things are possible with God and we can do all things through Christ who is our strength.

We know that God never allows more to come on us than we can bear, but He always provides a way out, a safe place to land.

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose and that what our enemies meant for harm, God intends for good.

We know that He is our Vindicator, our Redeemer, and Restorer. He makes all things new.

Trust in God, don’t worry, think about what you’re thinking about, and maintain peace in your heart no matter what is going on in your life!

No matter what you have done, God is not turning his face away from you. God is looking toward you and he’s reaching his hands out to you right now. And it’s not too late for you to have a fresh start.

No matter what you have done, God is not turning his face away from you. God is looking toward you and he’s reaching his hands out to you right now. And it’s not too late for you to have a fresh start.

Remember this today…no matter how far you feel from God, He knows where you are.

God wants us to be assured of His love and never allow anything to separate us from it. With a heart full of gratitude, we can rest in the knowledge that God loves us in the good times, and He loves us in the hard times. God loves us on the days we act right, and He loves us on the days we don’t act right. Thankfully, God’s love is unconditional!

We know that if God loves us enough to send His only Son to die for us and suffer the way He did that surely, He will take care of us in every situation.

I’m going to suggest to you that at least three times a day you say out loud, “God loves me.” Every time you hear something, it helps renew your mind!


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