Categories: Joel Osteen Message

God Is With You In The Fire

When you’re in the fire, you may not see what God is doing. You may not think anything is changing or improving. But you can be sure He is in there with you. The beauty of our God is He never lets you go into the fire alone.

Are you trying to get out of something that God is going to take you through? Are you fighting the process? It’s not fair, God, I can’t take it anymore. Everything will change if you’ll start inviting God into the fire.

He’s already promised He’ll be with you, maybe He’s just waiting for your invitation. When you invite God into your difficulty, you’ll feel him breathing in your direction, empowering you, enabling you, favoring you. As long as you have breath, you have a purpose. God is not finished with you, and He will complete the work He’s begun in you!

The right attitude is, “God, I know you’re going to bring me out, but in the meantime I’m asking you to come in to this challenge in my health, come into this loss I’m going through, come into this

No person can stand against our God: no bad break, no sickness, no trouble. God controls the universe. He said, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming in the morning.” You may be in a night season, but can I encourage you? It’s temporary. Joy is on the way. God is going to turn your mourning into dancing, your sorrow into joy.

Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in life. If you are going through a valley today, know that you are not alone. God is with you. He has something for you, and He wants to do something in you.

God is more powerful than any opposition you face. Trust Him with your dreams, plans, challenges and cares. He has a plan, and He is willing and able to fight for you.

Do you ever experience moments when the silence around you — and in you is actually screaming? Or maybe when the chaos becomes overwhelming?

My friend, here a reminder In the silence, in the chaos and every moment in between, God is with us. When we wake and when we sleep, God is with us.  In your best day and in your worst day. God is with us. In our workplace and in our home, God is with us. In our tears and in our laughter, God is with us.

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we are not alone. God is with us.

What a beautiful hope we have in that simple, yet deeply profound truth. Our God is always with us. Always in all ways. He will never leave us or forsake us, and nothing can pluck us from His hand.

Today, take time to recognize and reflect on where you’ve seen God’s presence lately. Where has God shown up in your life today?


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