Grace is when God gives us good things that we don’t deserve. God’s grace isn’t something you can earn. Because of Jesus, His grace is a gift. Grace empowers you and lightens your load, so receive His grace by faith today.
God has given you the gift of grace. There is grace and provision in your account to draw from daily. That is what’s going to strengthen you, and become everything you’re called to be. Say yes to what He wants to do through you, to the promises He wants to bring forth in your life.
Oftentimes, we need to stop trying to get God to change another person and focus on allowing God to change us. They might not be acting right, but when you surrender to God, He’ll give us the grace to love others no matter what.
Mercy is when he spares us from bad things we deserve. God’s mercies are fresh and new every day! He always has what we need when we call on Him. His mercy and goodness never run out! He is the God of more than enough!
People may disappoint us and let us down, but God will never let us down! Praise Him because He is faithful! His mercy is everlasting, and His love endures forever!
God is waiting for us to draw near to Him, to call out to Him each day. He wants to give you His strength for this day, mercy for your mistakes, and wisdom for your decisions.
Blessings are when He is generous with both. Truly, we can never run out of reasons to thank Him.
It’s easy to take our blessings for granted, but when we encourage one another, we remind ourselves how blessed we are to have such wonderful people in our lives.
All around us, miracles are happening! Listen and look for God’s goodness. God is longing to be good to those who are looking for His goodness!
God is good all the time. He wants good things for His people. Scripture tells us that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly before Him!
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