God Is Always With You, No Matter What

Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 31:8 – “And it is the LORD who goes before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, nor abandon thee: Don’t be afraid, and don’t be discouraged.”_  (Matthew 28:20) “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

The fact that sometimes it seems God is far from you does not mean it is like that, most of the times it feels like He is not with you. That’s how you feel. You must realize that our emotions are diametrically opposed to what God’s Word says. We feel closer to God at times than at others, but it is not about how we feel. A child’s desire to feel something before believing is understandable.

God will never leave you, He will never forsake you because the Bible says that He is always with us until the end of time. Imagine someone who is always with you even when you go to sleep, when you go to work, when you face challenges, difficulties or even when you make mistakes, God is always by your side with loving eyes. love, with you through all the pain of life.

We’ve all been through things that were uncomfortable, we didn’t like it, but God made a way where we didn’t see a way.

If it weren’t for His goodness, His mercy, His strength, we wouldn’t be here. God is counting on us to let our light shine. What you’ve been through will help somebody else get through it. Be on the lookout for who you can encourage.

God is bringing about new seasons of growth. New doors of opportunity, new relationships, new levels of favor are in your future. Sometimes things may look darker but let him be your light and your guide.

Have no fear in you my dear, He is with you and He always love you expecting you to trust Him with your all.

Maybe you’re waiting on God, but God is waiting on you. It may be just a small thing, but if you will make that simple adjustment, your act of obedience will bring a miracle.

No matter how dark and gloomy it looks in your life right now, if you can release the weight of those burdens and believe that God is in control, you will see the sun break forth in your life.

Prayer: Dear Father, you’re perfect and in you there’s no variableness, neither shadow of turning. I refuse to give up because of my emotions, I choose to believe that God will not leave me nor forsake me. I’m never alone even from today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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