God Is Always With Us Like When You Get Scared God Is Right There To Hold Your Hand

God is existence. This entire creation is made of an element called love, and that is God!

You are not separate from God. There is nothing outside of God; Everything is established inside God. So this is good, bad, right, wrong and above all.

Jesus said in scripture, “Why worry about anything?” Worry never accomplishes anything; but when we worship, that’s when we see the hand of God show up strong on our behalf!

Everything you need to fulfill God’s plan for your life is within reach. God has equipped you, and He always uses what you have in your hand first. Today you hold the seeds to the greatness in your future.

Remember your victories. Remember when the hand of God protected you, promoted you, healed you. Focus on all that God has brought you through.

When you humble yourself before the mighty hand of God, in due season, He will lift you up! He’s not wasting anything. He is still working on you.

Stand strong and declare that victory is already yours. Face each day with faith and expectancy, and see God’s hand in every area of your life.

Remember, the Bible tells us that blessed are the peacemakers. When we dwell together in unity, we honor God and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of our lives.

When you are looking for an opportunity and you’re ready to give up, remember, God knows how to get you to the right place at the right time. He has everything that you need today. Your part is to yield yourself to Him and keep speaking His promises.


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