Categories: Powerful Message

God Doesn’t Just Give You Salvation, But He Gives You An Absolutely New Life

Are you frustrated because you don’t understand what God is doing? Upset because that friend betrayed you, discouraged over the contract you lost? How do you know that’s not leading you to your destiny? Without the betrayal, we wouldn’t have salvation. Without that situation you don’t understand, you couldn’t see the fullness of what God has in store.

Through the Word of God (which the Holy Spirit inspired), we are taught all things.​ The Holy Spirit teaches us what it means to live in the new identity that we have been given through Jesus.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.” (John 15-17)

​It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the life that Jesus intended for us to live. You are made new through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and you are empowered to do the good works that God intends for you.

We should never shy away from our salvation. Salvation isn’t just about eternity; it’s about how we live now and how we show honor to God, knowing that we have been delivered and set free from a life of guilt and condemnation. Our gift back to God is to represent His goodness here on earth and shout our thanks to the world for what He has done for us.

Take hold of what Jesus did for you. Don’t shrink back in fear and allow your past to dictate your future. You have so much more in store for your life. Step into your position as a child of the King and move forward in faith, fearlessly and freely. That’s the gift that God loves.

Salvation is a free gift for all who believe! We don’t deserve it. We can’t earn it. But because of His great love, we can enter into eternal life. Meditate on this amazing gift today! See Romans 10:9-10.

Today, know that God loves you with an everlasting love. He’s not waiting for you to clean up to come to Him. He’s not waiting for you to be good enough to earn His approval. No, He’s waiting with arms outstretched, ready to receive you when you make the choice to call on His name. Receive His love today, receive His grace, and receive the gift of Jesus Christ because your debt is paid in full!


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