God Didn’t Make A Mistake When He Made You, You Need To See Yourself As God Sees You

God looks on the inside. He is more pleased with somebody with a right heart that may fail every once in a while, than with somebody that has a wrong heart and performs perfectly all the time.

The Scripture says in 2 Chronicles 16:9, “The eyes of the Lord are searching the earth to show Himself strong in those whose hearts are turned perfect toward Him.”

God is not looking for people who have perfect performance, who have perfect behavior, who never make a mistake. He’s looking for people who have a perfect heart toward Him. That means you may make mistakes, but you have a desire to please Him. Deep down, you want to honor Him with your life. It’s your heart that matters.

God’s already seen every mistake, every failure, every weakness, and the good news is He’s already forgiven you. He’s not holding it against you. He’s waiting to see how long you’re going to let the accuser make a slave of you.

God doesn’t make any mistakes. When He created you, He wasn’t having a bad day. He didn’t accidentally leave something out, and now you’re at a disadvantage.

God calls you a masterpiece. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. He’s crowned you with His favor. You’re not lacking; you’re not at a disadvantage. You have everything you need to fulfill your destiny.

You have been made in the image of Almighty God. God did not make any mistakes; you are the perfect size, you have the right personality, the right gifts, and the right looks. It says in the Psalms that you have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” God designed you precisely for the race He laid out for you.

God looks on the inside. He is more pleased with somebody with a right heart that fails every once in a while than with somebody that has a wrong heart and performs perfectly all the time.

Nothing that has happened to you was a surprise to God. When He laid out the plan for your life, He already knew every person who would hurt you, every loss you would go through, and every mistake you would make.

The good news is that for every setback, God has already arranged a comeback. For every disappointment, He has a new beginning. For every failure, He’ll bring a restoration. For all the ashes, He has beauty.

If you’re going to become who God made you to be, you have to get in agreement with God. You cannot go around feeling intimidated, like you’re average, you don’t have anything to offer. I’m amazing, I’ve been marvelously made, I’m a masterpiece.

When God made you, He threw away the mold. He stepped back and said, “That was good, another masterpiece.” He implanted His genetic material in you. Who said you didn’t look nice, or that you weren’t talented enough, or that you needed to be taller, more creative, or more outgoing?  Don’t believe those lies. Quit comparing, quit competing, and run your race.


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